Channeled Song: Sweet Dreams by the Eurythmics

Love and Light, Starseeds!

I manifest this finds you well, and that this reading found you in perfect timing. This read channeled during the 9.24-9.25 episode of “Your Nightly Mystic 4 Cast” on 222.9 The Mothership Internet Radio. From my Mother Peace Round Tarot Deck, The Daughter of Wands showed up Inverted, and the underside of the deck revealed the 9 of Swords pointing west.

The suit of Wands represents the east wind, the element of fire, the season of Spring Equinox, and new beginnings.

Daughters are the earth here, so grounding energy is involved. There may also be a female involved in your situation who is an Earth sign.

9 is the number of transitions, transformations, and finalities, sacred to the Orisa Oya.

Swords represent the north wind, the element of air, connections to your thinking, the season of Winter Solstice, and endings. Keep these things in mind as you enjoy the read!

Ase in Love,

iiiYansaje T. Muse

The Blaq Madonna of the Airwaves

P.S. If you would like to catch these readings live, then join me nightly at 9pm CST on 222.9 The Mothership Internet Radio! The links are on this page!

By iiiYansaje T. Muse

iiiYansaje T. Muse is a spiritual counselor, poet, visual artist, author, Priestess of Oya in the Ifa/Orisa Spirituality, and sole creator of 222.9 The Mothership Internet Radio. She enjoys bringing and artistic and practical application to spiritual living!

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